MIBE Weekly Messages
Weekly wisdom to help you mibe yourself, your business, and your community.
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April’s Wellness Challenge: Week 3 - Listen Up
We are halfway there and there’s no turnin’ back! Read on for April’s advice this week about life-long learning and the power of a positive mindset.

April’s Wellness Challenge: Week 2 - Get Moving
Mom is still in charge, and this week shares a wellness MIBE inspired by her parents! Read on to learn more about the benefits of daily movement and how a consistent routine of small incremental improvements and lead to big changes.

April’s Wellness Challenge: Week 1 - Starting Your Day
Our team at Footers lovingly refers to Anthony and me as Mom and Dad. Sometimes they also call us “good cop/bad cop” but that isn’t important for the purpose of this MIBE message. What you need to know is that Mom is in charge now and I’ll be taking over the weekly messages for the month of April (and as an 8 on the enneagram, I love being in charge)!

Four Lessons from the Sequoia Tree
This week I took inspiration from one of the world’s largest living organisms to share four lessons with our team that we can apply to our current situation. Sequoia Trees, usually found in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, are the most massive trees on Earth. They grow to over 250 ft tall with trunk diameters ranging from 20-26 ft and they have a lifespan of up to 3,000 years!

Two Phrases That Squash Employee Development
One of the most difficult things for a leader to do is to delegate. Many times, we’ve reached certain levels of success in our field and know what it takes to efficiently do our jobs. We get promoted for the track record of wins we’ve had and all of a sudden are tasked with managing others or overseeing their work.

What Will You Be Doing at 100?
At lunch the other day we were discussing funny skits where professional athletes get transformed with makeup and/or dress up as old people to then shock and prank an unexpecting group of innocent bystanders. There was Kyrie Irving as Uncle Drew, Eli Manning as Chad Powers, and of course the original Johnny Knoxville as Bad Grandpa.

Are Your Team Building Events Working?
I recently did a presentation on team-building events. I asked the audience at the beginning by show of hands if they loathed or loved team-building events. Of those who participated, there was a split of about 50-50 on either side. Team building events can be a polarizing topic with some people feeling like they are a waste of time and others swearing by their impact. I’ve found the key to driving value from team-building activities lies in the purpose and planning behind them.

Let Go of Suffering
Oftentimes, people will see what others have and think how great their life or business must be. We can think that certain people have it all worked out and are more worthy of such achievements. The issue with thoughts like this is that you must suffer to feel like you’ve achieved anything. And then you silently force yourself to sit in anguish and feel like you haven’t earned it unless you struggle.

Start Before You’re Ready
When I was in first grade, I was selected to be the lead in the class play, Dr. Doolittle. Unfortunately, I was too nervous to accept the role, fearing that I wasn’t ready, and instead ended up being one of the monkeys. The following year I was cast as the Pied Piper, accepted the starring role, and crushed the performance.

The Lens of Time
I’m fortunate to be in Austin, TX this week speaking at the national Catersource Conference. This marks my 20th year attending the largest gathering of caterers in the country. I remember that first year in 2005 when all the attendees were in a top-floor ballroom at the Bally’s Hotel in Las Vegas.

When Policies Are Bad for Business
Will Guidara’s book, Unreasonable Hospitality, has quickly become a national bestseller and taken our industry by storm. The tagline, “The remarkable power of giving people more than they expect”, teases the philosophy that helped him build one of the world’s best restaurants at Eleven Madison Park in New York City.

A Recap of the 2024 MIBE Summit
Last week we hosted our second annual MIBE Summit. Our goal for this event is to create a space each year for heart leaders to come together to be inspired, share wisdom with one another, and set intentions for how they will lead moving forward.

Take Care of Yourself First
Anyone who has ever flown on a plane somewhere has witnessed the well-memorized script of the pre-flight safety presentation. With the attention of about 5% of the plane, they go over how to buckle and tighten your seatbelt, where the emergency exits are, how your seat cushion floats, etc. There was always one part of the presentation that has stayed in my mind, through childhood and even today.

Who Are You Celebrating?
This week we hosted our annual Core Value Awards Party at Footers Catering. This tradition is our opportunity to celebrate what we accomplished the previous year and acknowledge the individuals who made a significant impact on Footers Catering.

Never Settle
Happy New Year! Each year as an executive team at Footers, we select a theme for the year to come. This serves as the overarching guide for where we want our focus to be and a mantra for our team to rally around.

WestJet Christmas Miracle
I am enjoying some time off this week, and I hope you are able to celebrate with friends and family as 2023 comes to an end. Instead of a traditional MIBE Message, I want to share a video with you that I first saw a few years ago and it popped up again this holiday season during a presentation I attended.

Annual Lip Sync Battle
On Monday evening, we held our annual Footers Catering Lip Sync battle! After our last busy weekend in December, this tradition started in 2016 and has become one of our most celebrated and looked forward to events of the year.

Looking Ahead
Last week our executive team at Footers Catering had our annual two-day strategic planning session. It’s something I look forward to each year as the six of us gather to discuss what we learned from the previous year and make decisions on what needs to be prioritized in the year to come.

Does Your Team Say “We” or “They”?
It’s no secret that I love sports. Last week I was in Las Vegas for a speaking engagement that happened to be two days before the Pac 12 Football Championship Game.

Mastering the Busy Season
December marks one of the busiest times of the year for caterers around the world. There are company parties, year-end celebrations, and hosts who invite friends and family to gather in their homes.