New Year’s Resilience: A Guest Post
The end of the calendar year always brings up feelings of change for me. And whether making New Year’s resolutions is your thing or not, it’s a perfect time for reflection and visualizing where you want to be in the next year. Reflecting on the year enables us to acknowledge and honor what we’ve been through, what we’ve learned and how we live with our newfound consciousness. By focusing on the strengths and struggles of the past year we can process what happened and challenge our approach a little differently. “Where did I succeed?”, “Where did I fail?”, “What did I enjoy the most?” ,“What did I regret the most?”, “What do I need to do more of?”, “What do I need to let go of?”.
Growth can be challenging and painful at times, but it helps us build resilience in who we are as leaders. When I look back at the past year, I am grateful for the obstacles I’ve been handed. For these wins and losses have helped me align more with who I want to be for myself and my team. The answer isn’t always clear or easy, but it helps mold yourself to the specifics of what makes you feel happy and successful at your work. Going into this next year, try and remember to “Love what you do” when life decides to sway you off your path, for your love and passion is only growing stronger.