MIBE | Make It Better Every day

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April’s Wellness Challenge: Week 2 - Get Moving


I hope everyone has been enjoying adding water to their morning routine. I heard from many of you via email or Instagram/Facebook that you either started or you have already been doing this, and thank you for reaching out. Great job MIBE-ing, keep it up! You have incorporated a simple wellness tool that can make a big difference over time!  


Now this week we are going to continue our morning water routine and add/stack the next wellness MIBE.  This one is inspired by my parents. They have showed me the transformational power of how it is never too late to begin a new healthy habit. I am incredibly proud of them and want to honor their dedication to a healthy lifestyle and the MIBE’s they are making in their personal lives.

Growing up I saw my parents work incredibly hard on their business and around the house, but I would never describe them as having an exercise routine. However, I do have memories of my mom rocking an 80’s outfit like this one and doing step aerobics a few times, ha ha!

The past couple of years my parents have made the choice to take greater responsibility for their health so they started the “7am Walk Club.” My parents have the pleasure of living on an island in Mexico half of the year in a small community. Everyone is invited, and at 7am if you are at the meeting point you get to join. I was fortunate to visit my parents a few weeks ago and experience the 7am Walk Club. The first rule of Walk Club is that it begins very promptly at 7am.  It is no joke! If you are not there by 7am, they take off without you. Then, they proceed to speed walk around the island they are blessed to live on. Some days they walk 3 miles and some days they walk 5+ miles (about 1-2 hours). The most important part is their consistency of doing this every day! After joining them for a few mornings I was totally inspired to incorporate this into my daily routine back home. I always viewed exercise as having to kill yourself for hours in the gym, and I thought the main purpose was for physical vanity. I have learned there are multiple benefits of daily movement and you don’t have to “kill yourself in the gym” to obtain positive results. Not only have my parents lost weight that contributes positively to their overall health, they also have more energy and improved emotional wellbeing.

Until recently, I thought it was borderline obnoxious how dedicated Anthony has been his whole life to exercise and daily movement. That guy literally bounces out of bed each morning with a smile ear to ear excited to jump on his Peloton or go for a bike ride outside. And we aren’t talking a Sunday stroll. He gets on there and cranks out 30-40 miles with elevation gain, for FUN! Anthony is one of those guys that loves to challenge himself physically (David Alan, I know you resonate with this)! I remember the first time Anthony signed up for the Triple Bypass Ride that stretches over 118 miles of the Rocky Mountains, with 10,800 feet of elevation gain over 3 grueling mountain passes. I thought he was nuts! I have only recently gained an appreciation for his commitment to daily movement and his zest for living life to the fullest by pushing his body to the extreme.


Your challenge this week is to incorporate 45 minutes of daily movement and exercise into your routine. If you are already doing this, congrats! If this is new feel free to begin with only 30 minutes per day and MIBE your way up to 45 minutes per day. Bonus points if you go outside for your daily exercise and absorb the additional benefits of sunshine and fresh air. Don’t dread this as something you have to do, think of it as an opportunity to give yourself the gift of a new healthy wellness MIBE! If the 7am Walk Club or Triple Bypass don’t appeal to you, you can do stretching, yoga or try this new viral trend called cozy cardio. You can actually complete your daily movement in your pajamas! No judgement here, the important part is that you challenge yourself to MIBE your routine this week and into your future.

A year from now, you’ll be glad you started today!

As always, I would love to connect and hear from you. Reply to this email or better yet share your routine and progress on the MIBE social media.