Thank You

We are in the middle of our third Heart Leadership Workshop and once again I am inspired by how all of the attendees have shown up. They have been authentic and genuine in sharing, they have been open with their emotions, and they have demonstrated a deep desire to learn and improve as leaders. When we started these Workshops we felt like we had a program that would be impactful. We didn’t realize just how special this experience could be. I have been honored by the feedback we have received and inspired by the people who’ve made a commitment to growth.

We know what can be achieved with heart leadership and intentional culture building and we are on a mission to bring those concepts to other companies so that they can find more joy and fulfillment in their work and in their lives. I’m feeling extremely grateful for all of the support and love we have received in bringing this mission to life and I wanted to take a moment to share that.

Thank you for believing in “mibe”. Thank you for bringing this work back to your companies. Thank you for inspiring us with your stories. Thank you for trusting us. And Thank you for reading this message each weekand continuing to reply when the message resonates with you. When I started the Mid-Week mibeMessage, I was hoping it would last a year. Two and half years later it’s still going strong and I don’t plan on slowing down.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to experience a Heart Leadership Workshop, we plan to host two Heart Leadership Workshops in 2023 with a similar program and content that we have presented in previous workshops. We are also excited to announce that on January 22nd-24th 2023 we will be hosting the mibeSummit. This will be the first of what we hope will be an annual gathering of heart leaders. A chance for us all to convene to discuss our journeys as leaders and how we are putting these concepts into action. We are planning for an incredible experience that will provide opportunities for authentic connection and leave attendees feeling inspired to continue making a difference in the lives of the people around them. We hope you’ll join us at one of these events next year in Denver and once again, Thank You!


What’s Good?


Where I Come From