MIBE | Make It Better Every day

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Month 2


What do our values mean and where do they show up?


Here is messaging to send to your participants prior to meeting. Feel free to modify to fit your personality:

Thank you all for your participation in last month’s MIBE Meeting! During our next meeting on ______, we will be discussing our company core values. Please come prepared to discuss what they mean to you and where you see them show up in our organization.


Intro from facilitator (2-5 min)

The Why: Use this opportunity to communicate with your team as one group. It’s powerful for them to hear the same message together and a great opportunity to recognize participants in front of their peers.

The How: Choose the things that are most relevant for your company to go over.


• Welcome – Reinforce your mission/vision/values – Why do you exist as a company?

• Announcements

• Celebrations

Centering Exercise (5 min)

The Why: This exercise helps everyone to be present and focus their attention on the meeting. The quick-fire questions keep participants on their toes and forces them to think about what they’re feeling right now.

The How: Go around the room and have everyone complete the sentence one at a time. As the facilitator, you should go first. You can reverse the order of who responds after each question if you want to mix it up. Remind participants that this is meant to be fairly quick and their first thought is often their best thought, so don’t overthink it and go with what pops into their head right away.


• Today I need to _________

• I’m looking forward to _________

• I‘m stressed about _________

Video from MIBE® (10 min)

The Why: Anthony will provide an intro to the topic and give more information about the overall program. Each month, educational and inspirational information will be shared through this method. The video should make your job as the facilitator easier so you are not responsible for having to “teach” the lesson.

The How: Use the video below. It will be helpful for you to view it prior to the meeting. You will just need to be prepared to show it on a screen to your team. We recommend testing ahead of time to help avoid streaming/buffering/internet issues!

See this content in the original post

Discussion (45-60 min)

The Why: This is the opportunity for the group to share, collaborate and build trust. Ultimately the goal of these meetings is to move the people in your organization forward as leaders and improve your overall culture.

The How: As the facilitator it is very important that you seek participation from everyone at the meeting and that you create space for people to be open, honest and vulnerable. We will provide you with the content each month, it’s your job to facilitate the discussion around that content.

1) Review the ground rules for these meetings (2 min)

You don’t necessarily need to go over the post it notes, just review the rules and hang the poster in the room as a reminder to all participants. If there is something that needs to be added or modified, you can also do that at this time.

2) Company Core Values Discussion (35-45 min)

Print and pass out the worksheets to each team member so they can make notes, and have some post-it note stacks available as well. It will be helpful to have your values already written on poster sheets stuck to the wall in a format that mimics the Company Core Values Exercise. Go through each value and ask your team for their thoughts on each of the three parts (behavior in line, out of line, examples). Write these down. Once you’ve recorded what your team comes up with, go back through and make sure that everyone agrees that the statements help to define what that value means at your company. Finally, have everyone rate the value (1-5) on a post-it note, then have them come up and put their post-it on the poster. Calculate the averages so you can identify which of your values need emphasis, and which values are currently being lived by.

View & Download Company Core Values Exercise

After your discussion, distribute the following Value Awareness Exercise to the group and instruct them to complete it over the next 30 days. You may need to remind your team to complete this exercise throughout the month!

View & Download Value Awareness Exercise

Recap Video from MIBE® (5 min)

The Why: Anthony will close the meeting and summarize the content with an inspirational message. This is also our opportunity to share our post-meeting action items for participants.

The How: You will need to queue up the second video below. Again, it will be helpful for you to view it prior to the meeting and we recommend testing to help avoid streaming/buffering/internet issues!

See this content in the original post