MIBE | Make It Better Every day

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Get A Kick Out of This

Last week we held our inaugural Footers’ Kickball game.  In an effort to mix things up, this event took the place of our annual “Summer Olympics”, which is one of our four all company marquee events that we put on each year for our team.  These events are well attended, boost morale and always have unique twists and turns that provide laughs, fun, and experiences that people talk about for years to follow.  We often get asked about the events we do for our team, so this week I’ll provide an inside look at this event and what made it a success. 

Friendly Competition - We’ve got a competitive bunch, so it doesn’t take much for them to go all in on winning whatever game or contest we throw out there.  We divided our team into two squads and our culture club members became captains of the opposing teams.  The captains were responsible for getting people excited about the event, making sure they knew which team they were on, and figuring out how many would actually be participating on game day.  The texts, invitations, and conversations with employees who may be hesitant to attend make a big difference in them actually showing up.  We also knew that kickball might not be for everyone, so during the rsvp process there was an option for employees to support their team by being part of the official cheering squad on their team and still participate in the fun and festivities.  The winning team and their cheering champions received engraved medals commemorating the first Footers Kickball Game.  

Think outside the box - This was no ordinary kickball game.  Our director of operations, Jason Sutton, and I served as official referees for the affair, and we definitely added some “curve balls.”  Each inning had a twist that kept the participants on their toes.  In one inning multiple players were allowed on each base, in another there was a frozen t-shirt at first base that had to be thawed out and worn across home plate to score bonus runs, and one inning required players to carry a cup of water while kicking and running the bases with the team getting the most water in their bucket at home plate scoring bonus runs.  And of course, it wouldn’t be our summer Olympics without an eating challenge.  In the third inning a quart cup of nacho cheese sat on a cab table at first base and baked beans were placed at third base.  As players arrived there and waited for the next kicker, they had to eat as much as they could before running to second base or home plate.  These shenanigans are hallmarks of our events and while they may illicit an initial response of “gross”, it adds to the fun and unique elements that make our events so memorable.

Buy In - The idea for custom teal and black jerseys was floated, but with a cost of $40 each, it was a little steep for a one time use that didn’t really qualify as Footers’ “uniform” on our events.  So, we offered to pay for half and if people opted not to purchase one, they could wear their teal or black footers shirts depending on the team they were on.  I was blown away that almost everyone wanted a jersey.  I’m a big believer that when people have a little bit of skin in the game, they appreciate things more.  Our culture club created something that our team valued and in turn it gave the event an official feel along with some epic post-game pictures.

While the game resulted in a few bruises and lots of sore muscles,  everyone left with smiles on their face and bragging rights for Team Black. It was exactly what our team needed heading into our busiest month of the year.  And it was a great reminder that the energy and effort you put into planning a great company event is much more important than they money you spend.

Early Bird Ends September 17th!

On September 1st we will begin accepting nominations for the third annual MIBE Awards.  These awards were created to celebrate the awesome things that companies are doing with their company culture in the hospitality industry.  In addition to Heart Leaders of the Year, Best Employee Recognition Program, and Best Activation of Mission or Core Values - we also have Best Internal Company Event.  We want to hear about the awesome events you are putting on for your team, so make sure to gather those photos and submit, you might just be up on stage receiving an award at our annual MIBE Summit in January!